I am in the process of building my wife and I a retirement home and am at the trim stage. I was trying to install crown molding and going crazy until I purchased your book, what a life saver! It is worth every penny I spent and much more! You should be very proud of the product you have produced, I think it's going to save a lot of marriages and frayed nerves! The book is simple to read, understand and is very well illustrated. Thanks so much for a great book, I know I'm sure glad you wrote it!
I needed to install crown molding (hardwood cherry) around my kitchen cabinets at the ceiling. I have spent hours reading tons of articles (from Google) and watched innumerable videos, each one as confusing as the next, until I hit your site. In just 10 minutes, I cut the perfect angled molding for a 130 degree inside corner. Your illustrations of the process are perfect. I must have made 10 cuts and wasted a lot of molding trying to get it right and was about to give up. You illustrations taught me all I needed to know. Thank you VERY much. Anyway, I now know what to do in any situation.
West Pennant, Nova Scotia
Yay! It worked. Your products and advice have done what half of the master carpenters in Tampa said couldn't be done (putting crown molding on a house with vaulted ceilings). Thanks again!
Land O Lakes, Florida